If you have a good idea for a new Dynamo script you can write it below. In this way, we will have in one place new ideas that we will use every week.
Note: I’m a mechanical engineer, therefore if you have ideas for the new scripts that will go deep into the Architectural and Structural disciplines I would probably ignore them.
If you need a custom Dynamo script and you do not have a couple of week’s time to wait for them you can contact me. The current list of ideas:
Universal scripts:
- The script will set up the Project template according to the user needs. From the Project template, users will choose which discipline a new project will be created and how many levels that the project will have. Dynamo needs to delete all unnecessary Views, Schedules, Legends and Sheets. After that, Dynamo will build the number of Levels in the Project according to the user input value.
MEP scripts:
- Similar to rectangular duct weight script, create a script that will calculate duct weight for round ducts.
- Create a script for the Duct and Pipe supports.
An script wich allow to use a linked view with the architecture elements with a solid hatch un a Mep discipline like plumbing or mechanical.
You would like to transfer from the linked model (and specific view) architecture elements boundary and to use those boundaries as a filled region with a solid fill? I’m not sure when I would use a script like that and from my experience huge effort need to be placed in order to close all those boundaries (to create a filled region). Let have that idea for a wish list but probably that script will not be created in the next 2-3 months. If you need that script urgently you can contact me by email for a quote.
If you make a script that places an automatic dimension on plans from Middle of elements (cable trays, ventilation ducts, electrical equipment etc.) to closest wall that would be great!
Sounds interesting, but maybe it will be better if we show dimension from the closest side of the element to the wall. I assume that it would be hard to measure (on-site) distance from the wall to the middle of the element (especially when you have some complex geometry of the element and it is not clear where is the middle).
Awesome “free time” product. and you are right in some cases the closest side of the element would be better (ducts, cable trays, powerboards) but in some cases, with installations(outlets, power boxes, lighting fixtures) the guys on site prefer the center because most of the time they need the measure in order to make a hole in the wall, or draw a cable to the center of where the fixture should be. So I’m looking forward to your future project “From that point, probably in the future, I will create some master script that will have a logic to add dimension by user input (center to center, closest edge to center, or side to side).” I myself have been working on some wall to element/gridline to element script but on quite of a basic level. My dynamo skills are not yet sufficient for large master scripts, but I have surely leveled up by learning from your work, for which I thank you. Keep up the good work, I’ll be following it.
Awesome work on my suggestion!
I can’t believe how fast and efficient you made it. I have seen other similar scripts that create measurements from grids. The tricky part would be having the measurements to the closest wall instead. Not all walls have grids on them (especially inner walls) and most contractors on site would like the measurements for example from the outlet to the finish of the closest wall and then to the next outlet and so on.
Dear Sivin, I understood your idea, it is a perfect use case for the Dynamo.
I thought that it would be easier to create a script that satisfies your requirements. I’m now working on the script which will be able to automatically add dimensions from the interior edge of the wall to the closest side of the duct. I’m not sure when I will finish this script because of my other responsibilities, but it will be in the next couple of days. From that point, probably in the future, I will create some master script that will have a logic to add dimension by user input (center to center, closest edge to center, or side to side).
All of your dynamo scripts are very useful and awesome for me.
Could you review as below and build a new Dynamo scripts?
it’s a really good idea and useful for the Electrical Bim engineers but i want to cable modeling with “Without conduit” family.
The most important Parameters for the Electrical engineers are “Cable ID, From, To, Length”
Thank you for you read this.
Thank you for your compliments. To be honest, I do not understand the purpose of this script. So, you already have cable trays in the model and then you want to convert them to a 3D path but why? If it is because of the length, you can already calculate the length with a cable tray run schedule, right?
i understand what is your concern about my request, but i need to display cables in cable tray in my country. it’s same as presentation.
in electrical depart, there are many different sizes and numbers of cables in cable tray route and each cables have codes looks like “from and to” but it can not be counted and scheduled with cable tray.
it will be highly appreciated if you help me.
My intention is as below.
1. selecting cable route which course i want to lay cables
2. modeling cables with conduit family -> “conduits without fitting”
3. put conduit family some shared parameters as “From, To, Name of circuit, etc”
4. scheduled conduit runs
I understand now, ok, I did add your wish to the list of the script ideas but I can not tell you when exactly I will have free time for that script. If you need this script fast you can always will the form on the Contact page:
i am MEP contractor
it is possible use auto dimension for “builder work hole / opening” like family with wall?
Dear Jimmy,
The script auto dimension can be used for Ducts, Pipes and Cable trays. For other categories, you will need to modify the dynamo script.
Dear Nenad,
can you create a script to automatically create a drainage system from a cad file?
I hope the practical dynamo course video will continue, because is great video for me
Dear Dede, I did have a script that can create pipes (with fittings) from the CAD file. I will try to find that script and create a video regarding that. About the dynamo course videos, I have an idea to create an entire Dynamo course with a lot of small videos in order to explain everything that I know and that course will probably be paid course but like with the rest of my work in Dynamo at the moment I have a very small time frame for everything that I would like to create (hence Dynamo is not my daily job).
Dear Nenad Kovacevic
The script was useful for me to develop 3D model using details line. But in many cases I am getting a shopdrawing CAD file which the ducts or pipes are drawn in two parallel lines. Please suggest how to do this task.
Thank you
Dear Mohamed, that is not an issue. You can modify the script to recognize multiple layers from AutoCAD drawings for different types of installations.
A cable tray divider so you can write how the selected cable trays should be divided and then it will make a divider in 3D that fits the cable tray.
Dear Nina,
It is a good idea and I will try to create that kind of script for cable trays. It is practically impossible to have dividers on CT fittings because the amount of time (and money) needed to create dividers for CT fittings will be more than the cost of Revit itself.
Best Regards,
I tool to allow you to add in 45 or 30 degree offsets in duct and pipes. So basically to jog up or down to avoid a clash. A work flow would be to slice a piece of duct twice to give you a center piece of duct. Then run the script to select the piece you want to offset and then enter in a distance and angle and then the script will move the piece selected in the direction to you told but also add in the correct fitting.
Dear George, I do not believe in the tools that are meant to “automatically” resolve the clash. No matter how you create a tool and how good it is until we are able to create some tool that will be able to resolve the clashes without creating new clashes. Those smart tools must come from generative design and/or AI. All other tools will be able to resolve some clashes with some logic and that logic can easily create new clashes with some other elements and if I need for each clash to select manually element and to decide what needs to be done then it is easier for me to create a section and resolve a clash.
My intent was not to have some automatic clash resolver. But it see a clash and then use a script to jog the pipe and duct up or down at a 30 or 45 degree angle. Or 90degree as well. Baiscally this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5ysUHkc3KQ
I totally support you if you think that those kinds of add-ins or scripts are useful. My opinion is, again, that if I need to go manually and check every clash I will create a section and resolve it along the way. It is usless.
Make dynamo script to make native Revit pipes and ducts from ifc file.
Hello, Nenad!
I model shelfs with instrument railing. But I can’t have material schedule and count of elements. Could you make script for that? And is it possible to convert railing in general model where all elements could be modified?
Hello Roman,
If I understood you correctly you have shelves as one element (one family) but you would like to schedule components that are in the subassembly(part by part)? The only way (as far as I know) to do that in Revit is to model every single component of the shelf as a separate family. Then you can create one nested family, but I would say that Revit is not a proper software for that kind of work. If I were in your position I would create those elements in Inventor or SolidWorks and then (if needed) I would import them to Revit. So it does not have anything with Dynamo. Inside the Revit, we do not need very high graphical details of elements we often need just the volume of the element.
I just saw that you made a dynamo for lighting witch makes me so happy, since i feel the mep part in Revit dont get as much “love”.
I would like another feature tough. Normally we get our light calculated other places so we get at list of how many lighting fixtures we will need in a room X and Y.
So i would love it if you added the option to decide haw many light fixtures there should be put X and Y and then it automaticly calculate the distence so it have a “full” dictance between fixtures and “half” to the wall. So if you have a room that is 10m and you only want 2 lamps it will put the first 2,5m from the wall to center fixture and the next fixture 5m from center fixture to center fixture. Since we most time dont have a gridded ceiling we dont need to fit a ceiling grid, but just follow this rule.
Thank you very much for your time and hard work as always.
Dear Nina,
I understood your idea. It is on the list and when I find some time I will try to make that script. If you need this script in some limited time frame you can order a custom script on the following link: https://dynamoscripts.com/contact/
If you can make a script that will place dimension between a face of a column to the nearest grid.
Hello, I think that there is already a lot of material on Youtube about this topic. You can check this video for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNt8CMDR-Lo&ab_channel=RevitExperiments
Hey Nenad. Is there any script that generates sleeves for all pipes cutting floors? and one to create the dims to the closest grid?
Hello Mateus,
I did not create script regarding the pipe sleeves so far but for dimensions to grid I did create some time ago this script: https://youtu.be/_gva00hUkC4