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Manipulate with Revisions

In the new video, I will show you how to build a simple script that manipulates with revisions.

First of all, we need to tell Dynamo to read all revisions that we have in the project and all the sheets that we have in the project. After that, through data-shapes UI, the user needs to choose which revision wants to apply and to select all the sheets (in which that revision needs to be). Dynamo will do the rest.

Please make sure that before you start using this script that you back up your existing project model.

Also, if you want to download this (and all other scripts) with my sample files please visit the Shop page.

The script uses the following Dynamo packages:
Clockwork for Dynamo 2.x, 2.3.0
Data-Shapes, 2019.2.42, 2021.25.4

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