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Improved – Automatically create aligned tags

This is an improvement video of the script which can automatically create aligned tags. If you did not see the original video you can click on the following link:

While I did test the original script I did notice that some things need to be improved and in that process, I also did add some new features. The list of all improvements on this script you can see below.

Please make sure that before you start using this script that you back up your existing project model.

Also, if you want to download this (and all other scripts) with my sample files please visit the Shop page.

Adopted a new approach for grouping and sorting elements

  • Hence grouping of the elements is the core of this script. I did try a couple of different tactics on how to most efficiently group the elements. A detailed explanation of the new methodology you can see in the video.
  • The adopted methodology is not the best which I try, but in order to improve this script even more and to distribute divisions more equally a lot of additional time would need to be invested.
  • In the previous script, you needed to click once to run the script and to produce initial tags and after that, you needed to click once again to refine those results. Now everything will be done with just one click.
  • An additional benefit of improvement is the ability to run the script from the Dynamo player.
  • Elements that are not parallel to X, Y or Z-axis direction was not recognized in the previous script, so all custom directions would make trouble for the previous script and the script would not function properly.
  • Now, there is a mechanism inside the script which can recognize those directions and filter them.
  • Now the user has the ability to control that area. Previously that area was defined by the size and disposition of the elements in the view. For not equally arranged elements previous determined area would create empty parts of the area and the rest of the script would not be able to deal with the grouping of the elements.
  • Also, that previous logic did not allow for the user to “step in” and now the crop is used to define an area.
  • Because some part of the element can appear on the current view when using the crop, but it can be beyond the boundary of the crop. In order to have tags just for the elements which are visible in the view the script will perform an additional check to see if the middle point of the elements belongs to the crop area.
  • In the previous script, we did not control the tag leader end. Now we control that and the location will always be the middle of the element. The user has the freedom to turn on/off this option.
  • I did create an additional offset to control the position of the tag elbow. In order for this option to use full potential, the user will maybe need to adjust Tag family in a way that the position of the label in the tag family must be at the center of the reference planes.
The script uses the following Dynamo packages:

RIE v.2020.8.12
Rhythm v.2020.2.13
MEPover v.2019.12.1
Clockwork v.2.3.0

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