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Common issues and add pipe insulation by pipe size R2

In this video, I did try to respond to some of the common questions that I receive from time to time. Also, this video contains some improvements for the script that need to add pipe insulation by diameter. With those improvements, now the script can work in Revit 2022.

In the video, I did respond to the question “Which packages do I need to install in order to run the script” and also I did cover the topic whit a drop-down list and why you will need sometimes to set correct values.

The video shows what needs to be corrected if you are using Revit 2020 in order to run this script (change for the node Element.delete). Also, you can see what needs to be changed in the node from MEPover because Revit API changed (if you plan to use this script in Revit 2022).

Please make sure that before you start using this script that you back up your existing project model.

Also, if you want to download this (and all other scripts) with my sample files please visit the Shop page.

The script uses the following Dynamo packages:

MEPover v.2020.6.2
Data-Shapes v.2022.2.96
Clockwork v.2.3.0
archilab v.2022.210.2522

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