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Wall openings R2023 and R2024

The last version of this script was created more than 2 years ago, a lot has changed, mainly maintenance of custom packages. That creates a lot of issues so in this version of the script, the following changed:

  • Instead of Clockwork, GenusLoci, Archilab, Datashapes and BIMorph now the script only needs IronPython 2.7 installed.
  • The script was tested on R2023 and R2024.
  • Instead of creating the Shared Parameter, the script now creates the Project parameter.
  • Going from the old Revit version to R2023 readability of the nodes was hard, now the script has been optimized, it uses fewer nodes and the readability is better.

Before using this script, please back up the existing project model.

Also, if you wish to download this (and all other scripts) along with my sample files, please visit the Shop page.

This is 3rd version of the script. For a more in-depth story about the script, logic and nodes check the last two videos:

The script uses the following Dynamo packages:
IronPython 2.7

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