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Remove scope boxes

This script can remove scope boxes by two criteria.

The first option is that the user selects scope boxes by the name and in that way selected scope boxes will be deleted. The second option is that the user can select that the script removes all scope boxes that are not in use.

Finally, the user can use both options at the same time in order to remove scope boxes. It can select scope boxes by name and also option to delete unused scope boxes in the same run.

Please make sure that before you start using this script that you back up your existing project model.

Also, if you want to download this (and all other scripts) with my sample files please visit the Shop page.

The script uses the following Dynamo packages:

DynaMEP |  v.1.2.8
Data-Shapes |  v.2022.2.96

2 thoughts on “Remove scope boxes”

    1. Hello Edzel,
      As we discuss via emails, scripts are created in different versions of Revit. This script was created in Revit 2023, you can see that when you play the video in the top middle corner. You can see in my email to you from Aug 19, 2022, 10:59 AM (according to my time zone) that I sad: Dynamo is not stable as Revit Add ins are. It is highly dependable on Revit/Dynamo version, changes in the Revit API, Revit used language, packages, etc.
      For more information, you can see the video that I created and there you will see a list of possible problems:

      It is possible that each script makes to work in Revit 2023 but for each script, I will need to spend a couple of hours doing that. My goal with the scripts is to show what can be done. If I start developing each script in a way that can work in all versions of Revit then each script would probably cost 50 euros.

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