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Enhance Tag All

This script can work with Pipe and Duct elements. If needed it can easily be reworked for other categories.

The script gives you the freedom to choose which system do you want to tag (you do not need to tag all elements on the view).

Because Revit natively will not change a Section value for the height difference in the installation route this script gives you the ability to run a check for the height difference.

Also, if you already have tagged elements in the view, the script can check if the tags exist, delete them (if the user confirms) and create new tags.

Please make sure that before you start using this script that you back up your existing project model.

Also, if you want to download this (and all other scripts) with my sample files please visit the Shop page.

The script uses the following Dynamo packages:
Clockwork for Dynamo 2.x, 2.3.0
Data-Shapes, 2019.2.42
MEPover, 2019.12.1

2 thoughts on “Enhance Tag All”

    1. Hello Sunay Yusuf,
      In the video that follows the script, you can see the script did tag elements inside the model. So, if you need, for example, to tag mechanical elements you should go to the Mechanical model, find the view and tag elements.

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