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Enhance Tag All – Simplified

The original post for this script you can find at the following link:

This simplified version is a response to the questions that I receive regarding the original script. The first question is related to the selection of the elements which will be tagged. Originally, in order to have some set of the elements the user would need to select a Pipe/Duct system. Now, the question is “can we select the element by category?”. Of course that we can, that is why the script is simplified.

The second question is related to the units “can we use feet instead of the millimeters?”. This I did clarify in the video. Also, I did remove the Height check from the original script because I was not satisfied with the result of that option.

Please make sure that before you start using this script that you back up your existing project model.

Also, if you want to download this (and all other scripts) with my sample files please visit the Shop page.

The script uses the following Dynamo packages:

Data-Shapes v.2021.2.94
Clockwork v.2.3.0

2 thoughts on “Enhance Tag All – Simplified”

  1. Would you mind sending me the Simplified version? This looks similar to what I was trying to build but works.

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