This is a script with a just couple of nodes.
This script is very useful in a situation when you need to create a custom duct fitting. The only thing that the user interface will ask you to do is to select two ducts that you want to connect. After you run the script in less than a second, the script will execute and create a custom fitting.
I do not support using custom fittings, but if you are in a situation that you do not have enough space to align ducts, then this script will save you a lot of time.
Please make sure that before you start using this script that you back up your existing project model.
Also, if you want to download this (and all other scripts) with my sample files please visit the Shop page.
The script uses the following Dynamo packages: Data-Shapes v.2019.2.42 MEPover v.2019.12.1
Hi, is it possible to run the script with MEPover v.2022 or i have to install the specific package?
Hello Andy, I assume that if the author of the package did not delete the nodes that the script uses that it will be possible to use the version of the package that you mention.