This is a sequel to the script that was able to automatically generate Pipes, Ducts or Cable Trays from AutoCAD drawing (link).
The products from the previous script are straight sections of MEP installation (with some elbows) but it can happen that one installation was drawn with two or more lines in AutoCAD. Also, you will need to have tee fittings and those two things I did try to fix with this script.
This script will apply extend (merge) command for installations and it will automatically add tee fittings for pipes, ducts and cable trays.
Please make sure that before you start using this script you back up the existing project model.
Also, if you want to download this (and all other scripts) with my sample files please visit the Shop page.
The script uses the following Dynamo packages: MEPover | v.2022.1.1 Data-Shapes | v.2022.2.103 Clockwork | archilab |